Options passed to Model.init

interface InitOptions<M> {
    charset?: string;
    collate?: string;
    comment?: string;
    createdAt?: string | boolean;
    defaultScope?: FindOptions<Attributes<M>>;
    deletedAt?: string | boolean;
    engine?: string;
    freezeTableName?: boolean;
    hasTrigger?: boolean;
    hooks?: {
        afterAssociate?: any;
        afterBulkCreate?: any;
        afterBulkDestroy?: any;
        afterBulkRestore?: any;
        afterBulkUpdate?: any;
        afterCreate?: any;
        afterDefinitionRefresh?: any;
        afterDestroy?: any;
        afterDestroyMany?: any;
        afterFind?: any;
        afterRestore?: any;
        afterSave?: any;
        afterSync?: any;
        afterUpdate?: any;
        afterUpsert?: any;
        afterValidate?: any;
        beforeAssociate?: any;
        beforeBulkCreate?: any;
        beforeBulkDestroy?: any;
        beforeBulkRestore?: any;
        beforeBulkUpdate?: any;
        beforeCount?: any;
        beforeCreate?: any;
        beforeDefinitionRefresh?: any;
        beforeDestroy?: any;
        beforeDestroyMany?: any;
        beforeFind?: any;
        beforeFindAfterExpandIncludeAll?: any;
        beforeFindAfterOptions?: any;
        beforeRestore?: any;
        beforeSave?: any;
        beforeSync?: any;
        beforeUpdate?: any;
        beforeUpsert?: any;
        beforeValidate?: any;
        validationFailed?: any;
    indexes?: readonly IndexOptions[];
    initialAutoIncrement?: string;
    modelName?: string;
    name?: ModelNameOptions;
    noPrimaryKey?: boolean;
    omitNull?: boolean;
    paranoid?: boolean;
    schema?: string;
    schemaDelimiter?: string;
    scopes?: ModelScopeOptions<Attributes<M>>;
    sequelize: Sequelize<AbstractDialect<{}>>;
    tableName?: string;
    timestamps?: boolean;
    underscored?: boolean;
    updatedAt?: string | boolean;
    validate?: {
        [name: string]: ((value) => boolean);
    version?: string | boolean;

Type Parameters

Hierarchy (view full)


charset?: string

The charset to use for the model

collate?: string

The collation for model's table

comment?: string

A comment for the table.

MySQL, PG only.

createdAt?: string | boolean

Override the name of the createdAt attribute if a string is provided, or disable it if false. ModelOptions.timestamps must be true.

Not affected by underscored setting.

defaultScope?: FindOptions<Attributes<M>>

Define the default search scope to use for this model. Scopes have the same form as the options passed to find / findAll.

See https://sequelize.org/docs/v7/other-topics/scopes/ to learn more about scopes.

deletedAt?: string | boolean

Override the name of the deletedAt attribute if a string is provided, or disable it if false. ModelOptions.timestamps must be true. ModelOptions.paranoid must be true.

Not affected by underscored setting.

engine?: string

The name of the database storage engine to use (e.g. MyISAM, InnoDB).

MySQL, MariaDB only.

freezeTableName?: boolean

If true, sequelize will use the name of the Model as-is as the name of the SQL table. If false, the name of the table will be pluralised (and snake_cased if ModelOptions.underscored is true).

This option has no effect if ModelOptions.tableName is set.


hasTrigger?: boolean

Indicates if the model's table has a trigger associated with it.


hooks?: {
    afterAssociate?: any;
    afterBulkCreate?: any;
    afterBulkDestroy?: any;
    afterBulkRestore?: any;
    afterBulkUpdate?: any;
    afterCreate?: any;
    afterDefinitionRefresh?: any;
    afterDestroy?: any;
    afterDestroyMany?: any;
    afterFind?: any;
    afterRestore?: any;
    afterSave?: any;
    afterSync?: any;
    afterUpdate?: any;
    afterUpsert?: any;
    afterValidate?: any;
    beforeAssociate?: any;
    beforeBulkCreate?: any;
    beforeBulkDestroy?: any;
    beforeBulkRestore?: any;
    beforeBulkUpdate?: any;
    beforeCount?: any;
    beforeCreate?: any;
    beforeDefinitionRefresh?: any;
    beforeDestroy?: any;
    beforeDestroyMany?: any;
    beforeFind?: any;
    beforeFindAfterExpandIncludeAll?: any;
    beforeFindAfterOptions?: any;
    beforeRestore?: any;
    beforeSave?: any;
    beforeSync?: any;
    beforeUpdate?: any;
    beforeUpsert?: any;
    beforeValidate?: any;
    validationFailed?: any;

Add hooks to the model. Hooks will be called before and after certain operations.

This can also be done through Model.addHook, or the individual hook methods such as Model.afterBulkCreate. Each property can either be a function, or an array of functions.

Type declaration

    indexes?: readonly IndexOptions[]

    Indexes for the provided database table

    initialAutoIncrement?: string

    Set the initial AUTO_INCREMENT value for the table in MySQL.

    modelName?: string

    The name of the model.

    If not set, the name of the class will be used instead. You should specify this option if you are going to minify your code in a way that may mangle the class name.

    Not inherited.

    An object with two attributes, singular and plural, which are used when this model is associated to others.

    Not inherited.

    noPrimaryKey?: boolean

    Sequelize will automatically add a primary key called id if no primary key has been added manually.

    Set to false to disable adding that primary key.


    omitNull?: boolean

    Don't persist null values. This means that all columns with null values will not be saved.


    paranoid?: boolean

    If true, calling Model.destroy will not delete the model, but will instead set a deletedAt timestamp.

    This options requires ModelOptions.timestamps to be true. The deletedAt column can be customized through ModelOptions.deletedAt.


    schema?: string

    The database schema in which this table will be located.

    schemaDelimiter?: string

    More scopes, defined in the same way as ModelOptions.defaultScope above. See Model.scope for more information about how scopes are defined, and what you can do with them.

    See https://sequelize.org/docs/v7/other-topics/scopes/ to learn more about scopes.

    sequelize: Sequelize<AbstractDialect<{}>>

    The sequelize connection. Required ATM.

    tableName?: string

    The name of the table in SQL.


    The {@link ModelOptions.modelName}, pluralized,
    unless freezeTableName is true, in which case it uses model name

    Not inherited.
    timestamps?: boolean

    Adds createdAt and updatedAt timestamps to the model.


    underscored?: boolean

    If true, Sequelize will snake_case the name of columns that do not have an explicit value set (using AttributeOptions.field). The name of the table will also be snake_cased, unless ModelOptions.tableName is set, or ModelOptions.freezeTableName is true.


    updatedAt?: string | boolean

    Override the name of the updatedAt attribute if a string is provided, or disable it if false. ModelOptions.timestamps must be true.

    Not affected by underscored setting.

    validate?: {
        [name: string]: ((value) => boolean);

    An object of model wide validations. Validations have access to all model values via this. If the validator function takes an argument, it is assumed to be async, and is called with a callback that accepts an optional error.

    Type declaration

    • [name: string]: ((value) => boolean)

      Custom validation functions run on all instances of the model.

        • (value): boolean
        • Parameters

          • value: unknown

          Returns boolean

    version?: string | boolean

    Enable optimistic locking. When enabled, sequelize will add a version count attribute to the model and throw an OptimisticLockingError error when stale instances are saved.

    • If string: Uses the named attribute.
    • If boolean: Uses version.



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